

Analog is not a process - it is an experience - a reality.

Our work as artists, designers and architects is making The Digital, Analog. We spend our days dreaming up stories and places, building them pixel by pixel in the hope that one day they become something that we can touch and feel and in some cases walk around inside of.

But the reality is that you cannot take it with you on your Super-8 from Woodstock, you cannot listen to it on your vintage turntable, nor can you own it and hang it on your wall. Analog cannot be captured on your Instagram with a filter. You can’t tweet it. You can’t Facebook it.

Go home, put down your phone, kiss your loved one, pay attention to the people in your life and the physical world you already created. The Digital is for everyone else to remember you by.  

The Analog is what is accumulated in your soul and it is the only thing you are going to take with you when you expire from this trip we call life.